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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Bar Keepers Friend

There is one household job I HATE!  Cleaning tubs/showers.  With out a doubt, I dread this task.  I dread it so much, I am swallowing my pride and sadly admitting that I have avoided cleaning our shower for 8 months.  I know, it sounds gross and terrible.  We had our bathrooms remodeled just before my son was born.  One morning I looked at the glass shower door, the soap scum had overtaken the once shiny door.  My son was 8 months old that day.  Yup, that is procrastination at its best!

I couldn't avoid it any more, at this point my embaressment had squashed my hatred for cleaning showers.  I got out the shower cleaner and the bottle labeled, 'Soap Scum Cleaner'.  I cleaned the shower, and it sparkled.  I started working on the door.....nothing worked.  I heard that used dryer sheets did the trick......nope.  Scrubbing   Bubbles.......nope.  The shower door was still a mess.  I then dug out what I have always used to clean toilets (as learned from my mother), Bar Keepers Friend.   I shook some on a wet sponge and started cleaning again.  I am not kidding when I say, instantly, I could see through the door again. No heavy scrubbing or multiple applications - within minutes 8 months of soap scum was GONE!

Bar Keepers Friend is now my "go-to" cleaner. It is a universal cleaner.  The best part?  It is made from natural plant ingredients, not harsh chemicals like other cleansers.

The kids may be able to make a mess of tubs and showers, but Bar Keepers Friend can make it shine!


Used Dryer Sheets: Fail
'Soap Scum Cleaner': Fail

Bar Keepers Friend:  Kid (and Parent) Tested, Mommy APPROVED!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Homemade Peanut Butter, Too Easy!

My adventure in peanut butter making, is in thanks to my father-in-law.  We all know the benefits of natural peanut butter.  It is much healthier than everyday, Jiff or Skippy.  It does not contain the additives, most importantly, it does not contain hydrogenated oil.  Natural peanut butter is better, but the biggest draw back is price.  It is much more expensive.  What if you could have the healthier, natural peanut butter at a fraction of the cost?  In today's review, I discovered it's possible and easy!

Homemade Peanut Butter

 Ingredient: Peanuts                                                         Tools: Food Processor                                         

Yup, that's it!

To start put peanuts in the food processor.  I just have a small food processor, so I had to repeat the process a couple of times.  Turn on the processor and let it do the magic!  It can take about 5 minutes or a little more for the peanuts to turn to peanut butter.  You may have to stop a couple of times to scrap the sides down.  Before you know the creamy goodness of peanut butter will begin to appear!

Different peanuts will give you a variety of taste.  Lightly salted peanuts are your healthiest option, but honey roasted or dry roasted to give it a little extra flavor.

To store peanut butter, put in to sealed containers.  You can store in the pantry for the short term, in the refrigerator or the freezer for later use.

Cost: I purchased a 52 oz. can of peanuts from Sam's Club for $7.29.  The can produced 3 (16 oz.) containers of peanut butter.  That's $2.43 for a jar of natural peanut butter compared to $4.99 for other natural brands.

Easy, inexpensive and a healthier option = MOMMY APPROVED!

Still Yummy = KID APPROVED!