There is one household job I HATE! Cleaning tubs/showers. With out a doubt, I dread this task. I dread it so much, I am swallowing my pride and sadly admitting that I have avoided cleaning our shower for 8 months. I know, it sounds gross and terrible. We had our bathrooms remodeled just before my son was born. One morning I looked at the glass shower door, the soap scum had overtaken the once shiny door. My son was 8 months old that day. Yup, that is procrastination at its best!
I couldn't avoid it any more, at this point my embaressment had squashed my hatred for cleaning showers. I got out the shower cleaner and the bottle labeled, 'Soap Scum Cleaner'. I cleaned the shower, and it sparkled. I started working on the door.....nothing worked. I heard that used dryer sheets did the trick......nope. Scrubbing Bubbles.......nope. The shower door was still a mess. I then dug out what I have always used to clean toilets (as learned from my mother), Bar Keepers Friend. I shook some on a wet sponge and started cleaning again. I am not kidding when I say, instantly, I could see through the door again. No heavy scrubbing or multiple applications - within minutes 8 months of soap scum was GONE!
Bar Keepers Friend is now my "go-to" cleaner. It is a universal cleaner. The best part? It is made from natural plant ingredients, not harsh chemicals like other cleansers.
The kids may be able to make a mess of tubs and showers, but Bar Keepers Friend can make it shine!
'Soap Scum Cleaner': Fail
Bar Keepers Friend: Kid (and Parent) Tested, Mommy APPROVED!