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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

How a Blog Cleaned Up My Life....

Today's blog isn't reviewing a product, but I loved it so much, I had to share it. If you read my last review, you already know I am not the world's best housekeeper.  I like the motto, 'This house is clean enough to be healthy, but messy enough to be lived in'. I only have one child, but my husband often times makes it seem like two. Though I love them both dearly, the two of them are, most days, like a tornado sweeping through the house.  Last week I stumbled across a blog post  that has changed the way I look at cleaning and the tornado.

Cleaning is always such a daunting task for me.  There are so many things to clean - I don't mind the surface cleaning/picking up, but I avoid the rest like the plaque.  I have always tried to clean the whole house at once and just get it over with.  The problem: I get half way through (if that) and get bored or distracted.  This simple cleaning schedule has taught me to have a consistent schedule and break cleaning up to just a task or two per day.  My first thought: Who wants to clean EVERY day??  Not me!  But I gave it a shot.  Much to my surprise, it has really cleaned up my life (and the house).

I printed off a copy and it hangs on my cork board next to our family calender. It's a great reminder of what to get done.  The best part, if a day is too busy to get a task done, no task is too big that you can't double the next day.  I now have no excuse to avoid cleaning, but at least I don't mind it so much now.  I hope you find this simple schedule as useful as I did!

Little Green Notebook Blog
Cleaning Schedule